Dennis Janssen, Ph.D.

About me

After my training as a mechanical engineer at the University of Twente, I completed my PhD at the Orthopaedic Research Lab (“Macro- and Micro-Mechanics of Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty”) in 2009. During my PhD project I had the opportunity to spend some time working at the research lab of Prof. Kenneth Mann, at SUNY Upstate Medical University of Syracuse, New York. After my PhD I continued working at the ORL, where I was appointed as associate professor in 2022. 

Dennis Janssen

Research Impression

My research comprises three distinct research lines. The first line focuses on functional restoration of deformities of the musculoskeletal system, and on how innovative orthopaedic interventions influence joint biomechanics. I supervise several projects in collaboration with my clinical colleagues and various (inter)national partners to promote the clinical application of fundamental biomechanics. Topics include cartilage degeneration and osteoarthritis of the knee joint, patellofemoral surgery, hip revision surgery, and the development of a meniscus implant. My implant research focuses on primary and long-term performance of total joint replacement implants (hip and knee), and how placement of implants affects the peri-prosthetic bone. In this field I have several collaborations with major international implant manufacturers and research institutes focused on continuous development and improvement of the models. My third research line focuses on the development and clinical implementation of personalized implants. While for general orthopaedic interventions standard implants suffice, more complex surgery (revision surgery, oncologic resections) requires patient-specific solutions. Although 3D printing technology has rapidly gained popularity, there often is a lack of attention for safety and durability. My team therefore works on the pre-operative assessment of the mechanical integrity of the implant and its fixation in the body, to warrant patient safety.