Fundamental mechanics of bone relaxation

In this project, the fundamental mechanics of bone relaxation will be established in experiments with human cadaveric bone specimens, to define a material law relating stress relaxation to bone density and stress level. Subsequently, the impact of viscoelasticity on TKA will be investigated in stress-relaxation experiments and computational models of implant placement. Finally, its effect […]

Short Dutch SAQ and perceptions of appearance in scoliosis

Full title: Perceptions of appearance in and of patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis measured with the short Dutch SAQ. Because adolescent patients may have difficulty viewing their own scoliosis, it may also be very challenging for them to determine the severity of their trunk and spinal deformities and to answer the questions in questionnaires designed […]

Comparing Use of Radiographs Versus Patient Empowerment (CURVE)

Full title: The (Cost-)Effectiveness of a Patient Empowered Protocol Without Routine X-rays for Follow-up of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients; A Pragmatic Randomized Trial.   Objective: To evaluate the (cost-)effectiveness of a new patient-empowered follow up (FU) protocol in patients with Adolescent idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) that is based on patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), self-assessment tools and […]

Automatic MRI image analysis for patients with chronic low back pain

Low back pain (LBP) is worldwide responsible for more years lived with disability than any other health condition. In the Netherlands, approximately 44% of the population experiences at least one episode of LBP in their lifetime, with one in five reporting persistent back pain lasting longer than three months (chronic low back pain, CLBP). CLBP […]

TLEMsafe Patient-specific surgical navigation film showcases the TLEMsafe project. The film shows the case of a patient who needs to undergo a major orthopaedic intervention, including the placement of a large prosthesis. Note: Images may be shocking to some audiences. The TLEMsafe project, “Twente Lower Extremity Model for safe and predictable musculoskeletal surgery”, aims to develop a patient-specific surgical […]

Implant fixation of a PEEK total knee arthroplasty

Figure 1. Example of a finite element analysis on the femoral component of a total knee arthroplasty. Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a widely used surgical procedure to restore the knee joint after cartilage disorders as osteoarthritis. During this surgical procedure, the damaged cartilage layer is removed and the bones are cut in the correct […]

The effect of interference fit on the primary fixation of cementless TKA components

Finite element analysis and cadaveric experiments to investigate the fixation of two types of implants with different interference fit. Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) is the most common and successful surgical procedure for a diseased knee joint, offering pain relief and improvement of knee function, and providing a better quality of life for patients. The surgery […]

Fracture prediction in femoral bone metastases using the BOne Strength (BOS) Score

We developed the BOne Strength (BOS) Score, an easy-to-use tool to assess fracture risk of patients with femoral bone metastases. Patients with advanced cancer often develop bone metastases, and in approximately ten percent, these lesions occur in the femur. Femoral metastases may cause pain and can lead to pathological fractures, which severely affect the quality […]