Clinical Human Movement Sciences Radboudumc Nijmegen

Clinical Human Movement Sciences Radboudumc Nijmegen

During the third year of the bachelor’s Biomedical Sciences at the Radboud University Nijmegen you can follow minors, courses, and internships focussed on Human Movement Sciences. In the master’s Biomedical Sciences you can choose for the specialisation Clinical Human Movement Sciences (CHMS).


The field of CHMS has a strong multidisciplinary character with topics like (exercise) physiology, (functional) anatomy, biomechanics, orthopedics, neurosciences and rehabilitation; these form the basics of the specialisation. In Nijmegen, the specialisation Clinical Human Movement Sciences is characterized by a strong patient-centered approach. We focus on how to get and how to keep patients as physical active as possible.


Within this specialisation we deal with questions like:

  • How much exercise is needed to stay healthy?
  • What happens in the human body during exercise?
  • What techniques are available to measure human movement?
  • How do neurological disorders affect movement?
    What interventions help to improve movement?



  1. What courses belong to the specialisation Clinical Human Movement Sciences?

Six courses form the basis of the specialisation.

  • Orthopaedic Biomechanics in Motion
  • Applied exercise physiology
  • From vascular function to vascular failure
  • Neural control of movement
  • Movement science in rehabilitation and
  • Disorders of movement

In these courses, you will learn theory and practical skills in the various departments. You can find more information about the content of the courses in the prospectus. After these courses, you can create an individual study plan with additional courses and internships in the direction of your interest. This means that you may also explore and take additional courses from different areas or specialisation.


  1. Can I also do courses at other universities?

Additional courses can also be taken at other faculties or universities. Many students choose to do courses outside of the Radboudumc, for example at the other Human Movement Sciences studies in Amsterdam, Groningen or Maastricht, at technical universities, at food-related studies in Wageningen, but also at other universities. Also, some students choose to go abroad to follow courses.



  1. What are the internship possibilities?

You will choose a research, consulting or communication profile and you will do two internships of your own choice. You can do these at various departments of the Radboudumc, but there are also plenty opportunities at other locations in the Netherlands or abroad. We have many connections with research institutes, companies, and universities all over the world. So the possibilities are endless! Examples are: other universities, sport centers, rehabilitation centers, patient associations, health insurers, Knowledge Centre for Sport & Physical Activity, The National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland), TNO or other research institutes.



  1. What are the career perspectives for a CHMS-alumnus?

Many students and alumni are member of our Linkedin group Clinical Human Movement Sciences. To see where alumni end up, you can take a look at this LinkedIn group page. Alumni work for example as researchers or PhD-candidates at hospitals or university medical centers. Also, human movement scientists work at rehabilitation centers, sport unions, patient associations, health insurers, sport clubs, ministry of defense, police, NOC*NSF, InnoSportLabs, Knowledge Centre for Sport & Physical Activity, The National Health Care Institute (Zorginstituut Nederland), TNO, and many other places.


Internship testimonials

1st year CHMS-student:

I did my research internship at the department of Physiology at the Radboudumc. In this internship I assessed the validity and reliability of a new portable metabolic analyzer. To do this I conducted a total of 36 VO2-max tests in young adults. These tests were performed both with the new portable analyzer and the old stationary gold standard. I compared the results of both analyzers to check whether the new portable analyzer is a good alternative. I really enjoyed my internship, since the department was a lot of fun. It also was very educational, since I was involved in all steps of the research.


2nd year CHMS-student:

I did my 5-month research internship at the department of Physiology at the Radboudumc. Here I studied exercise-induced cardiac troponin levels as a predictor for cardiac events and mortality among long-distance walkers. Furthermore, I assisted in setting up new studies at various sporting events (cycling, running, walking). This was a great opportunity to get acquainted with the entire research cycle. I also learned a lot on academic writing, which can help me in the future. The department of Physiology was a very pleasant place to do an internship, since there are many other human movement sciences students doing internships there, which created a nice atmosphere at the department.


1st year CHMS-student:

I did my internship at the Research & Innovation department at the Sint Maartenskliniek in Nijmegen. The internship was about gait analysis in patients wearing an Ankle-Foot Orthosis. During the internship I improved my scientific writing and I assisted in patient measurements. There was a lot of space for me in designing my own research question and methods. There were multiple students with various backgrounds and interests doing their internships at the Sint Maartenskliniek.


2nd year CHMS-student:

I did my research internship at the department of Physiology at the Radboudumc. Here I researched the association between running speed and all-cause mortality in amateur runners. It was a big data study with a lot of inclusions. It was very exciting to learn new research skills such as R, python, and advanced critical thinking while working in a very enthusiastic and professional team. Besides that, it was interesting to work with real data and to find an answer to my research question.


1st year CHMS-student:

I did my internship at the department of Physiology of the Radboudumc. I learned a lot about how to perform clinical research with human subjects. Also, I learned about all the things you need to keep in mind during the research process. It was very nice to take part in the field research and meet participants.


1st year CHMS-student:

I did my internship at the department of Physiology at the Radboudumc. My research question was focused on cardiac troponin elevation after exercise in amateur endurance athletes. We measured participants at exercise events like the Stevensloop and Four Days Marches (Vierdaagse). Besides scientific writing and data analysis, I learned a lot about the organizational aspects of doing research.


2nd year CHMS-student:

My internship took place at the Faculty of Medicine and Health of the University of Sydney. The goal of my internship was to investigate what physical, physiological, and skill characteristics are important to identify talented volleyball players, according to elite coaches. I led two online group sessions in which elite volleyball coaches collected, discussed, and ranked their ideas on this topic, after which they provided rankings. I really enjoyed the internship because it was very interesting to talk to experts in the field and the semi quantitative and semi qualitative study design resulted in a lot of variation in tasks.



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